BiQuTe seminars

Building the commons of quantum technology

by Nathan Shammah (Unitary Fund, Berkeley, USA)

U2-01 (Physics Department, Università di Milano-Bicocca)


Physics Department, Università di Milano-Bicocca


In this talk, I will give an overview of Unitary Fund's community and research activities in quantum technology. Unitary Fund ( is a non-profit research organization that supports open-source software in quantum computing. It organizes hackathons, online discussions and awards grants to explorers in the field of quantum technology. It supports established projects like QuTiP, the quantum toolbox in Python [1]. Its technical team is developing two main projects: Mitiq, an open-source Python compiler for quantum error mitigation on noisy quantum processors [2-3], and Metriq, a crowd-sourced platform that enables benchmarking quantum computers (

[1] B. Li et al., "Pulse-level noisy quantum circuits with QuTiP", Quantum 6, 630 (2022);
[2] R. LaRose et al., "Mitiq: A software package for error mitigation on noisy quantum computers", Quantum 6, 774 (2022);
[3] V. Russo et al., "Testing platform-independent quantum error mitigation on noisy quantum computers",  2210.07194v2 [quant-ph] .