BiQuTe seminars

Fully-connected and high-fidelity quantum computers beyond NISQ

by Enrico Rinaldi (Quantinuum, Tokyo, Japan)

U2-04 (University of Milano-Bicocca)


University of Milano-Bicocca


Abstract: Increasing number of qubits on current quantum devices while maintaining high gate fidelity and full connectivity is a signature of the quantum charge coupled devices (QCCD) of Quantinuum. This progress allowed Quantinuum to recently demonstrate algorithms that go beyond classical simulations on supercomputers. I will introduce the H-series hardware of Quantinuum with 56 fully-connected qubits and a two-qubit gate fidelity of 99.84%. Then I will describe the recent random circuit sampling (RCS) experiment and how it sets a new bar for NISQ quantum computers.

Dr. Enrico Rinaldi is a computational physicist in the Applied Quantum Algorithms team at Quantinuum in Tokyo. He is also a Visiting Scientist at RIKEN and holds a Ph.D. in Theoretical Particle Physics from the University of Edinburgh. Enrico studied Lattice Gauge Theory using large-scale simulations on TOP500 supercomputers, from the study of dark matter to nuclear interactions and quantum gravity. In Quantinuum he works at the intersection of machine learning and quantum algorithms, to advance research in high energy physics, nuclear physics, quantum control, and error mitigation.”